Subject: Recycling news for Earth Day
Hi all:
Wanted to share the details of the upcoming Electronics Recycling Event sponsored by Intel as well as Styrofoam recycling event.
Here are all the details:
WHEN: Collection starts on Friday, April 29 from 12-6pm; on Saturday, April 30 from 8am-2pm.
WHO: The event is open to the entire community and provides the opportunity to dispose of electronic-waste properly. There is no residency requirement to for recycling.
WHAT: Items accepted for recycling include computer monitors, CRTs, fax machines, copiers, typewriters, CPUs, DVD or VCR players, radios, telephones, cameras, microwaves, and stereo equipment. Items NOT accepted for recycling include large home appliances (stoves, refrigerators, etc.), air conditioners, and electronic devices that contain liquid/gas.
WHERE: We will be located in the Stop and Shop Parking lot; section is indicated by the yellow box.
DONATION: A minimum donation of $10 and $20 will be requested from individuals and businesses, respectively. Donations will benefit the United Way of Tri-County, and Intel volunteers will be on hand to assist with unloading recyclable electronics from the vehicles.
Hope this helps.
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Also if you are interested in recycling Styrofoam, I have found this event that worked out well in the fall when I did it. They seem to do it 2x a year and it is run by Just what you need in your garage, stock piles of Styrofoam:)
You can bring:
* Packing blocks
* Packing peanuts (must snap)
* Produce and meat trays (no biodegrable ones)
* Take out containers
* Hot cups such as Dunkin Donuts and Honey Do (We can not take Starbucks and most McDonalds because they have cardboard infused on them.)
* Trays
* Plastic utensils (Must be kept separate from any of the above Styrofoam pieces)
* White insulation sheets
Event occurs April 30, 2011
Grace Church, Framingham, MA, 10-3, 76 Salem End Rd., Framingham, MA Open to residents and non-residents of Framingham! This event is part of Framingham's Earth Day Celebration.
Share these events with any one else you think may want the info.
Jackie Gillis